Enabling trace
logs show trace events such as function entries and exits, component events,
and debugging activities. Use the administration console to enable trace for a
process. You can configure the IBM® WebSphere® XML Document Management Server Component to start in a trace-enabled state by setting the appropriate configuration properties.
You can control how much detail each logger records by adjusting the log level details. Because the loggers are grouped hierarchically, setting the trace level on one logger also sets all subsequent loggers to the same level. Altering the tracing levels impact the performance of the system.
Enable and configure trace by completing the following steps:
§ host_name is the
fully qualified host name of the server where the application or the network
deployment manager is deployed.
§ port is the secured port used
to access the console. The default is 9043.
Note: The default unsecured port is 9060. If you use 9060, you must have "http" instead of
"https" in the URL.
Enter an administrator user ID and password. If security is not
enabled leave the password field blank.
In the navigation panel, click TroubleshootingLogs and Trace.
Click server_name in the
Server column of the table.
Click Diagnostic Trace.
Configure your trace options:
Display the Configuration tab.
Select Enable log.
Click Change Log Level Details(if you required new logs traces default =INFO.*).
Click Components to view all loggers
for the individual components.
Click + to show the children of the logger.
Click logger_name to change
the log details. To enable tracing on specific components of IBM WebSphere XML
Document Management Server Component, use com.ibm.xdms.*=all as a
logger group name.
§ com.ibm.xcap.*
§ com.ibm.xdms.agp.*
§ com.ibm.xdms.common.*
§ com.ibm.xdms.function.*
§ com.ibm.xdms.install.*
§ com.ibm.xdms.osgi.*
§ com.ibm.xdms.sip.*
§ com.ibm.xdms.utils.*
§ com.ibm.xdms.xcap.*
Choose the appropriate level of tracing.
Remember: When you change the level for a logger, the change is propagated
to the children of the logger.
For additional information
regarding trace levels, click ? in the title bar
of the panel to open the help page.
Click OK.
Click Save.
Restart the server_name server.