Saturday, 25 February 2012

Creating Datasource

1.     Open the administrative console.
2.     Click Resources > JDBC Providers.
3.     Choose the JDBC resource provider under which you want to create your data source. The detail page for this provider is displayed.
4.     Under Additional Properties, click the Data Sources link that is appropriate for your application. The Data sources or Data sources (Version 4) page is displayed.
5.     Click New to display the Data source settings page.
6.     Verify that all the required properties have valid values.
The following steps guide you through supplying the property values, a process that is basically the same for both data source types:
a.     Select a DataStoreHelper class name.
§  You can choose a DataStoreHelper class name from the list that is provided. The application server provides a class called DataStoreHelpers, or you can keep the default selection.
§  To use a data store helper other than what is provided, click Specify a user-defined DataStoreHelper. Type a fully qualified class name in the field that is provided.
b.    The next section of properties varies according to the database selection, provider type, and implementation that you chose for your JDBC provider. These properties are either required or highly recommended for your data source. Provide valid values for these settings if you do not want to accept the default values.
c.     Click Component-managed Authentication Alias if your database requires a user ID and password for a connection. This alias is used only when the application resource reference is using res-auth = Application.
Important:(For components with res-auth=Container) Both the Container-managed Authentication Alias and Mapping-Configuration Alias settings are deprecated. They are superseded by the specification of a login configuration on the resource-reference mapping at deployment time. You must now use this login setting to define the aliases at deployment.
d.    If you chose XA Data Source as the implementation type of your JDBC provider, you need to specify the alias used during transaction recovery processing. An additional section entitled Authentication Alias for XA Recovery is available. Select either Use Application Authentication Alias to use the same value that you chose for component-managed authentication, or select Specify: to choose a different alias from the drop-down list.
7.     Click Apply to view a page with your new data source settings. Additional properties and Related items sections are now available on this page. Additional properties contains the Connection pool, Custom properties, and WebSphere Application Server data source properties choices. (If you are using a Version 4 data source, however, you see only the Connection pool and Custom properties links.)
a.     Click on the first link to define settings that affect the behavior of the Java 2 Connector (J2C) connection pool manager.
b.    Use the WebSphere Application Server data source properties page to input settings that exclusively affect the application server's connection to the database.
c.     Go to the Custom properties page to view and modify additional properties that the database vendor might require or recommend for the connection of its product to an application server.
d.    The Related items section (applicable only to later version data sources, not Version 4 data sources) contains the J2C Authentication data entries choice. Here, you can specify a list of user IDs and passwords for J2C security to use.
8.     Click Save.
9.     Return to the data source page to confirm that your new data source is displayed in the list. 

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