Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Application Error and Logs


SRVE0164E: Web Application TataAIG_jar#TataAIG.jar uses the context root /*, which is already in use by Web Application DefaultApplication#DefaultWebApplication.war. Web Application TataAIG_jar#TataAIG.jar will not be loaded.

Looks like there is another application in that server which is using that context root. If you want this to work, either modify the context root for this application or uninstall the other applicaiton.

You will need to uninstall the "Default Application" if you want this to

work. Two applications cannot have the same context root.


Usually we look at the JVM logs & Server specific logs for any errors.
Websphere Application Server also generates a heap dump, text file and a trace file when a server gets crashed. The file will be of the extension ".phd", which when analysed by the Heap Analyzer can give the count of memory leaks & other errors which is causing, using the application/server heavily. So that we can analyze and can tweak the server for performance tuning.

We can change the log level details in the admin console:

Navigation: Logging&Tracing>Server_Name>change log detail levels

Types of Logs:

Diagnostic Trace: Trace.log

Path: <profile_root>\<profile_name>\logs\<server_name>
JVM Logs: SystemOut.log & SystemErr.log
 Path: <profile_root>\<profile_name>\logs\<server_name>

Process Logs: native_stdout.log & native_stderr.log
Path: <profile_root>\<profile_name>\logs\<server_name>

IBM Service Logs: activity.log
Path: <profile_root>\<profile_name>\logs\

Specific Server Logs: StartServer.log & StopServer.log

WebSphere application server lets you define what all logging messages should be logged to the trace.log file.

These are the log levels defined by Websphere Application Server

Off: No events are logged.

Fatal: Task cannot continue and component cannot function.

Severe: Task cannot continue, but component can still function

Warning: Potential error or impending error

Audit: Significant event affecting server state or resources

Info: General information outlining overall task progress

Config: Configuration change or status

Detail: General information detailing subtask progress

Fine: Trace information - General trace + method entry / exit / return values

Finer: Trace information - Detailed trace

Finest: Trace information - A more detailed trace - Includes all the detail that is needed to debug problems

All: All events are logged. If you create custom levels, All includes your custom levels, and can provide a more detailed trace than Finest.

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