Federated Repository
The majority of my clients set up their LDAP settings in WebSphere by going to [Security – Global Security – Federated Repositories] and then never look at it again after that. They don’t really understand what the back-end is – well, here is a crash course:
Federated – The definition:From late Latin foederatus, based on foedus, foeder- ‘league, covenant.’Adj. 1. federated – united under a central government. Federate / united – characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity; “presented a united front”
OK, what does this mean? When you installed WebSphere you were asked about an admin account and a password to assign to it – by default that account is called [wasadmin] though you can change it to anything you want. That user name and password is saved in a FILE BASED directory structure in the Deployment manager and replicated out to all federated nodes. When you add an LDAP directory then the Files based (the thing you see defined as [defaultWIMFilesBasedRealm] are federated meaning that now they are BOTH together part of a SINGLE directory entity that all WebSphere applications will utilize as a single unit for the purpose of user account look-ups and authentication.
The Files Involved:
Is located in the [deployment manage profile]\config\cells\[cellname]\wim\config folder. This file contains the federated directory setting definitions. So the files based directory (more details below) and the LDAP directory/directories are all defined and configured in this file. As this file is an XML file, each directory is defined inside the <config:repositories and the </comfig:repositoes> items.
Let’s look at the example from my training WebSphere environment:
<config:repositories xsi:type=”config:FileRepositoryType” adapterClassName=”com.ibm.ws.wim.adapter.file.was.FileAdapter” id=”InternalFileRepository” supportPaging=”false” messageDigestAlgorithm=”SHA-1″><config:baseEntries name=”o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm”/></config:repositories><config:repositories xsi:type=”config:LdapRepositoryType” adapterClassName=”com.ibm.ws.wim.adapter.ldap.LdapAdapter” id=”TTrainDom01″ isExtIdUnique=”true” supportAsyncMode=”false” supportExternalName=”false” supportPaging=”false” supportSorting=”false” supportTransactions=”false” supportChangeLog=”none”certificateFilter=”” certificateMapMode=”exactdn” ldapServerType=”DOMINO” translateRDN=”false”><config:baseEntries name=””/><config:loginProperties>uid</config:loginProperties><config:loginProperties>mail</config:loginProperties><config:loginProperties>cn</config:loginProperties><config:ldapServerConfiguration primaryServerQueryTimeInterval=”15″ returnToPrimaryServer=”true” sslConfiguration=””><config:ldapServers authentication=”simple” bindDN=”ldapaccess” bindPassword=”{xor}Dz4sLCgwLTtubWx+”connectionPool=”false” connectTimeout=”20″ derefAliases=”always” referal=”ignore” sslEnabled=”false”><config:connections host=”ldap.intranet.toalsys.com” port=”389″/></config:ldapServers></config:ldapServerConfiguration>
This shows the two entries I have in my environment:
- The default file based repository identified by the ID <id=”InternalFileRepository”>
- My Domino based LDAP repository identified by the ID <id=”TTrainDom01″>
Gotcha #1: User Name and Password is Open
This wimconfig.xml contains the user name and encoded password for the LDAP bind account. Note the choice of words … ENCODED, not ENCRYPTED.
If you want to know the password for my training LDAP account copy the encoded password above and go to this link by Andrew Jones:http://www.poweredbywebsphere.com/decoder.html (thanks Andrew, I send all my clients to your site for further info and learning!)
If his is a production environment I have now gained access to an account in your environment, possibly an account that has update/write rights to the LDAP directory ….. all by looking at one file. If you are like 99.9% of my clients you are compromised:
Sound obvious, doesn’t it?
Gotcha #2: Rogue LDAP entries
If you have ever tried to change an LDAP directory, replace and entry in WebSphere you might have run into the issue that you suddenly can’t log into WebSphere anymore after you made the changes. Why? Well, you need to understand that sometimes when you make changes, those old entries don’t disappear totally – they are left behind and impact you.
Remember the part about FEDERATED above? If not ALL directory entries here (in this file, not what shows in the IBM Console) are accessible and functioning, then the federated directory that you are trying to access will not work and you cannot authenticate. It is the Three Musketeer principle: “All for One, One for All”
Gotcha #3:
Some changes can’t be made in the interface. I had a client that mistakenly entered an LDAP directory as Microsoft AD but it was Domino. They tries to clean it up in this file but it still was not working and they could not log in ….. well, the wimconfig.xml contains allot of directory type specific settings which are set by the type: <ldapServerType=”DOMINO” > .. My advice is to remove the incorrect entry and enter a NEW entry at the same time and then make sure the old incorrect one is gone from the wimconfig.xml. DO NOT manually try to clean this up (other than remove the entry) as you might end up destroying thewimconfig.xml and making your environment unusable.
Remember Dr. Vic’s rule #2 above? Make back-ups before any changes to WebSphere security settings.
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