Tuesday, 13 October 2015

IIS Certificate CSR


To generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), perform the following steps:
1. Open Internet Information Services 6 (IIS)
2. Select the site where you want to enable secure communications
3. Right click the site to be secure, and select "Properties"
4. Click the "Directory Security" tab
5. Under the "Secure Communications" section, click "Server Certificate"
6. The following "Web Server Certificate Wizard" will start
7. Click Next
8. Select the "Create a new certificate" option and click Next
9. Select the "Prepare the request now, but send it later" option, and click Next
10. Type a Friendly Name for the certificate (This can be anything)
11. Select the "Bit Length" (Default 1024) and whether you want to use SGC (server gated Cryptography), then click Next
12. If SGC was selected continue to step 13, If SGC was not selected please move onto step 14.
13. Select the cryptographic provider you wish to use (Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider is default)
14. Input the Organization (O) and the Organizational Unit (OU) fields. Click Next
15. Input the Common Name (Fully Qualified Domain Name - www.yourdomain.com). This MUST reflect the web server DNS Name. Click Next
16. Input the Country/Region, City and State. This information must be correct - abbreviations will not be accepted by the system
17. Select where the file will be saved, and the name of the file. Typically, the root of the Hard Drive, or on Desktop is recommended, so the file can be found quickly. Once you have selected the name and location, click Next.
18. You will now be presented with a summary screen of all the information that has been inputted. Insure all information is correct, and click Next
19. You have now generated your Certificate Signing Request. Select Finish to close the wizard.
This file can now be submitted via the web site



CSR Creation for IIS Web Server SSL Certificates

If you already have your SSL Certificate and just need to install it, see IIS 5 & 6 SSL Certificate Installation.
How to generate a CSR in IIS 5.x or 6.x Web Server
New: IIS 5/6 CSR video walkthrough
  1. From the Administrative Tools in the Control Panel, run Internet Information Services.
    IIS Default Web Site
  2. Right-click on the website you are securing, and select Properties. Click on the Directory Security tab, and hit the Server Certificate button.
    IIS Directorty Security - Server Certificate
  3. Click next. Choose 'Create a new certificate' and hit next.
    If you are renewing an existing certificate, you will instead see the option to Renew, Remove, or Replace your certificate. Choose the option to Renew and skip over steps 5-8.
    IIS Create a new Certificate
  4. Choose 'Prepare the request now, but send it later' and hit next.
    IIS Prepare request now, send it later
  5. Enter a name for the certificate that you can identify on your server. Choose a bit-length of 2048. Leave the other boxes un-checked.
    IIS Name and Security Settings
  6. Enter the full legal name of your company. Enter a department such as 'Security' or 'IT' in the organizational unit.
    IIS Organization Information
  7. Enter the fully qualified domain name of your site (ex: www.yourdomain.com)
    IIS Your Site's Common Name
  8. Enter the location of your organization: Country, State, and City.
    IIS Geographical Information
  9. Choose a file name and a location to save your SSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR). The file should be saved as a text file (.txt)
  10. Click next to generate the file.
    IIS Request File Summary
  11. Now open the CSR file using a text editor such as notepad, and copy and paste the text (including the BEGIN and END tags) into the DigiCert order form.
    ** Important ** - When you have completed the steps above a "pending request" will be created on your website. This "pending request" MUST NOT BE DELETED. Later, when your certificate is issued, you must install the certificate to this exact pending request or the certificate will not be functional.
  12. After you receive your SSL Certificate from DigiCert, you can install it.
    See IIS 5 & 6 SSL Certificate Installation.

Renewing an IIS 7 SSL Certificate

If you are renewing your GeoTrust SSL certificate running on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7, you will need to perform some simple tasks from your IIS 7 web server before placing an order to renew your expring SSL certificatate.

Generate Renewal Certificate Request File (CSR)
  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. From the Start button select Programs >Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services Manager.
  2. In the IIS Manager, select the main server node on the top left under Connections
  3. In the Features pane (the middle pane), double-click the Server Certificates option located under the IIS or Security heading (depending on your current group-by view).
  4. URGENT!! There is a known bug in IIS7 when using the "Renew" link to renew your SSL certificate. Please do not use the "Renew" link.
    From the Actions pane on the top right, select Create Certificate Request (DO NOT SELECT THE RENEW LINK). The Distinguished Name Properties dialog box opens.
  5. You will be asked for several pieces of info which will be used by GeoTrust to create your new SSL certificate. These fields include the Common Name (aka domain, FQDN), organization, country, key bit length, etc. Use the CSR Legend in the right-hand column of this page to guide you when asked for this information. The following characters should not be used when typing in your CSR input: < > ~ ! @ # $ % ^ / \ ( ) ? , &
  6. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP! Enter your site's Common Name. The Common Name is the fully-qualified-domain name for your web site or mail server. What ever your end-user will see in their browser's address bar is what you should put in here. Do not include http:// nor https://. Refer to the CSR legend in the right-hand column of this page for examples. If this is wrong, your certificate will not work properly.
  7. Enter your Organization (e.g., Gotham Books Inc) and Organizational Unit (e.g., Internet Sales). Click Next.
  8. Enter the rest of the fields using the CSR Legend on the right right-hand column of this page for guidance and examples.
  9. Click Next to continue.
  10. The next screen of the wizard asks you to choose cryptography options. The default Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptography Provider is fine and a key bit-length of 2048.
  11. Click Next to continue.
  12. Finally, specify a file name for the certificate request. It doesn't matter what you call it or where you save it as long as you know where to find it. You'll need it in the next step. We recommend calling it certreq.txt.
  13. Click Finish to complete the certificate request (CSR) Wizard.
  14. Now, from a simple text editor such as Notepad (do not use Word), open the CSR file you just created atc:\certreq.txt (your path/filename may be different). You will need to copy-and-paste the contents of this file, including the top and bottom lines, into the relevant box during the online order process.

    Open CSR in Notepad

When you get your certificate back refer to the certificate Installation instructions


IIS 7 SSL Certificate CSR Creation

Easy IIS 7 SSL Certificate Renewal using DigiCert Utility

For a very simple way of renewing your certificate for IIS 7 please see the SSL Cert Renew Util for IIS 7 page. This guides you through creating a new CSR, installing the certificate, and much much more.
How to Generate an SSL Certificate Renewal CSR in Microsoft IIS 7
  1. Open the IIS Manager by going to Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Under Connections click your server's Hostname.
  3. In the center window pane, scroll down to and Double-Click the Server Certificates icon.
  4. On the right window pane under Actions click the link to Create Certificate Request....
  5. Enter the following information in the "Distinguished Name Properties" and click Next:

    Common Name - Typically the domain (e.g. www.yourdomain.com) computers will connect to this server with.
    Organization -    Your organization's or company's legally registered name (e.g. Your Company, LLC; Your Company, Inc.)
    Organizational unit - Your organization's department name (If you don't know what to put just enter 'IT').
    City/locality -     The city/municipality where your organization is located.
    State/province - The state where your organization is located.
    Country/region - Your country's abbreviated two letter country code.
  6. Choose Microsoft RSA SChannel and 2048 and then click Next.
  7. Save your CSR file to a location. Then open this file in in Wordpad, hit (Ctrl+A) and (Ctrl+V) to select all and copy the contents to the clipboard.

  8. Now login to your DigiCert account.
    Under the "My Orders" tab, click + to expand the options for order you would like to renew, then click the Renew link.

    DigiCert Certificate Manager
    Follow the instructions to place the order with DigiCert to renew your SSL Certificate.

SSL Certificate Renewal Installation in Microsoft IIS 7

Installation Instructions to Renew your Windows 2008 Server SSL Certificate

  1. Save your certificate file to the IIS server that the CSR request was generated from.
  2. Open the IIS Manager and on the left side click on your server's name, and in the center window pane scroll down to Server Certificates and open it.
  3. Now under Actions pane click to Complete Certificate Request...
  4. Click ... to browse to the .CER certificate file DigiCert sent you, and give the certificate a Friendly Name to help you refer to this certificate by in the future and click Ok.

    Note: You may receive the following error messages when installing the certificates:
    "Cannot find the certificate request associated with this certificate file. A certificate request must be completed on the computer where it was created." "ASN1 bad tag value met".

    If you created the CSR (AKA pending request) for the certificate you are installing you can ignore this error, close the dialog box and hit the "F5" key to update the list of available installed certificates.
    If you can see your certificte with the friendly name you just assigned, click to go to the next step.
    If your certificate isn't listed please contact DigiCert support for assistance.
  5. Under the Connections window pane, expand your server's computer name, then click the Site that you want to enable SSL on.
  6. In the Actions menu click Bindings... then select the binding for https and click 'Edit'.
  7. In the 'SSL certificate:' drop-down menu select your newly-installed SSL Certificate by it's friendly name, and click Ok.
  8. Your new SSL Certificate should now be installed to your server. IIS 7 Host Headers.
For help with your cert installation or troubleshooting, try our new Windows SSL management tool.

Test Your Installation

If your web site is publicly accessible, our SSL Cert Tester tool can help you diagnose common problems.

SSL Certificates :: Microsoft Internet Information Server 7


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